Sunday, September 19, 2010

5 weeks 3 days

How far along? 5 weeks and 3 days (5 weeks 1 day according to the doctor's wheel, but I'll wait for the ultrasound for an accurate date)

Weight gain/loss? Nothing at this point.

Maternity Clothes? Not yet, but the Bella Band is my best friend.

Stretch Marks? Nope.

Sleep? I want sleep. All the time.

Best Moment This Week? We've made it to 5 weeks and the doctor's test confirmed we're in fact preggers. Big milestones I'd say.

Movement? Still wayyy too soon.

Food Cravings? Spicy foods, and fresh foods. The thought of overly processed/greasy food makes my stomach turn.

Gender? No idea. I'm hoping for a boy, B is hoping for a girl. We shall see.

Belly Button In or Out? In.

What I am Looking Forward To? Our first ultrasound and seeing the heartbeat.

Weekly Wisdom? Make lists. Pregnancy brain has officially set in.

Nursery progress? Not much progress as we're uber busy the next two weeks. However, we've almost decided that we want to put flooring down versus the carpet that's in there. Almost.

Belly Pic:

What the baby's up to this week: Your embryo (looking kind of like a tadpole) is starting to form major organs (heart, kidney, liver, stomach) and systems (nervous, circulatory, digestive). Baby's presence in your uterus triggers production of hCG (the hormone detected by pregnancy tests)... which triggers production of other hormones like estrogen and progesterone... which trigger all those great symptoms you've probably been noticing!


PS: I got my iPhone 4 this weekend, and I LOVE it!

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