Friday, September 10, 2010


That's right...

We were lucky enough to get our BFP (big fat positive) after only trying for two months. Technically one after our doctor's visit. We found out last night. We are very excited, but also very cautious. To date, we've only told our parents and a select group of EXTREMELY close friends. So again, I have to ask that whatever is said here stays here until we announce when we're ready. According to whatever calculators I could find, and trust me it was a lot, we're due roughly around May 19, 2011. Monday I'll be scheduling the first doctor's visit. I'm sure the date is subject to change at this point, but hopefully not by much. At this point I still feel fine with the exception of being tired all the time; and craving mexican food.

AANNNDDD, since I'm still uber excited, expect to see a weekly pregnancy survey. Yup, I'm going to be one of those. But hey, what a better way to keep everyone updated when we don't get to see/talk to everyone all the time.

As always, thoughts and prayers are certainly welcome!

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